A reminder – The importance of network segmentation

Early in my Fortinet support career I deployed wireless 221B FAPs. When they were deployed I chose to leave them in the client VLAN while tunneling traffic to the Fortigate management devices. This seemed to give a decent amount of segmentation between the wireless traffic and client LAN traffic. This setup functioned well for many …

Building a Training Log

A couple of years ago I set out to build a training log for tracking my workouts with a bias towards calisthenics and strength training. There are a lot of great training log applications on the market so this was a more of project to allow me to work on my programming skills while also …

FitnessFaq’s Begin Bodyweight

Needing to rebuild my strength base I Purchased FitnessFaqs Begin Bodyweight and Limitless Legs last year. I did not realize how weak I was and how high my bodyweight had gotten relative to my strength levels. Begin Bodyweight is an upper body 3 day week program focusing on the basic pushing and pulling. Dip, pushup, …

Assign variable in Django Templates

I am learning Django by programming a site for tracking my workouts strengthnotes.com. I was struggling I needed to assign a variable to be used later in the template. It seems like this is not available by default in Django’s standard templates. I came across simple_tags and that seemed to fit the bill. First step …

Year One Giant Pumpkin Experiment

This year we decided to try growing a “Giant Pumpkin”. We knew nothing about giant pumpkin growing so did a bit a reading and research but still made way to many mistakes so not sure what we will end up with. I began by reading Growing Giant Pumpkins by Jason Johns this gave me a …

Two Rules For Fortigate Beginners

After managing a small number of Fortigates for a handful of years I have came up with two rules that I wished I would have known when I started. There are numerous best practices but these two have caused me the most pain recently. Never install a dot zero release of the Fortigate firmware and …

Azure Application Insights On-Prem Web Farm

On each of the nodes of the web farm with a shared config run the following commands. Download: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Az.ApplicationMonitor/ After the commands have been run go into IIS on one of the machines in the web farm and add a module with name ManagedHttpModuleHelper pointing to Microsoft.AppInsights.IIS.ManagedHttpModuleHelper.ManagedHttpModuleHelper in the dropdown box. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/status-monitor-v2-overview

Vmware workstation error code 0xc00000005

Kept getting error code 0xc00000005 when trying to install windows 2019 as a guest on VMware workstation. I uninstalled and tried VirtualBox and got a different error. Searching the log files lead me to the following post about hyper-v interference. I had uninstalled Hyper-v but there must have been some hyper-v feature left. The following …

Finally passing the CISSP certification

After multiple starts and stops I finally was forced to take the CISSP November 23rd as I was not able to postpone the cert further. I have been working as a sysadmin/security analyst in a single location for over 20 years. When working at the same job for so long, there is a risk of …

Fortigate to Fortigate VXLAN – Disaster Recovery

Been working on a solution for a disaster recovery one of the goals was a stretched layer 2 network. Since we would need a similar firewall with similar rules at the DR location I have been investigating vxlan over and IPSEC tunnel. This is the current test config I will update it when more testing …