This year we decided to try growing a “Giant Pumpkin”. We knew nothing about giant pumpkin growing so did a bit a reading and research but still made way to many mistakes so not sure what we will end up with.
I began by reading Growing Giant Pumpkins by Jason Johns this gave me a start but ended up winging most of it.
We ended up with a few different Giant Pumpkin seeds from Amazon Canailles 10 pack, Park Seed Dills Atlantic Giant and some big box store Giant Pumpkin seeds. Not understanding the importance of proper seeds I did not track which was which but I think my best plant this year came from the Park Seed Dills Atlantic Giant.
We began the seeds in peat moss pots on May 1. Wyoming has a growing season that can frost as late as June 11 so I thought 4-5 weeks should be enough. I think it should have been earlier next week we will begin growing mid to late April indoors.

Next year I will be sure and label each plant and make sure I know what seed is actually planted and where.
Growing direction – First True Leaf
Our large plant was planted near a fence and it also grew the direction of the fences so we had to guide it around the fence limiting the already limited area we were using for growing. Next year I will mark the pot so I know what direction it will grow when planting.
We planted June 11th with very little soil preparation just dug a hole and added a few bags of garden soil. I used black plastic this year to help keep the soil warm and retain water. Next year we will do more soil prep adding manure October 2022.

We had two pumpkins on the vine the first one was growing well until we let the second pumpkin on the vine and then the pumpkin began turning white and rotting. Still not sure if it was related to fungus or something else.

The second pumpkin is continuing to grow into the middle of September but due to late start not sure if it will fully ripen.

Attempting to grow a large pumpkin has been enjoyable and look forward to trying again in 2023 if life allows.
UPDATE 9/24/2022
We finally harvested on 9/24/2022 it weighed in at 40lbs. Not impressive in the world of giant pumpkins but happy with our first year attempt.