On each of the nodes of the web farm with a shared config run the following commands. Download: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Az.ApplicationMonitor/ After the commands have been run go into IIS on one of the machines in the web farm and add a module with name ManagedHttpModuleHelper pointing to Microsoft.AppInsights.IIS.ManagedHttpModuleHelper.ManagedHttpModuleHelper in the dropdown box. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/status-monitor-v2-overview
Monthly Archives: February 2021
Vmware workstation error code 0xc00000005
Kept getting error code 0xc00000005 when trying to install windows 2019 as a guest on VMware workstation. I uninstalled and tried VirtualBox and got a different error. Searching the log files lead me to the following post about hyper-v interference. I had uninstalled Hyper-v but there must have been some hyper-v feature left. The following …
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